Evaluation of the Better Mill Initiative in China provides valuable insights

Solidaridad and C&A Foundation commissioned an independent external evaluation to assess the first three years of the Better Mill Initiative (BMI) in China and contribute to the process of designing the potential next phase. The Better Mill Initiative was developed by Solidaridad as a results-oriented programme that aimed to improve the sustainability performance of textile wet processing in the fashion supply chain in China. Launched in 2013, the initiative has supported 43 wet processing factories and 675 improvement measures have been implemented. The programme’s evaluation was conducted from October to December 2016 by a team of experts from China and the Netherlands and provided Solidaridad with valuable recommendations for the future.

The results and recommendations are captured in a report released at the website of C&A Foundation. Solidaridad hopes that the findings of the evaluation will inspire and encourage all stakeholders to jointly develop and establish more efficient solutions to deliver support and assistance to garment and textile factories.
