Responsible Soybean Production in Brazil and Paraguay

Future programmes need to bridge the gap between public sector decisions made by federal or state governments and their implementation at in the local communities. The same goes for the differences between sustainability policies at many companies and their “translation” at local level. Setting straightforward goals and increasing synergies between public, private and or civil society programmes are essential for enhancing sustainable land use. Recognition by internal markets and clear business incentives for local producers are also necessary to make landscape management economic viable.

Download: Results and Lessons Learned About Responsible Soybean Production in Brazil and Paraguay (PDF)

These are a few of the conclusions that IDH and Solidaridad as a result of analyzing seven projects in Paraguay and the states of Mato Grosso and Bahia in Brazil. The two organizations jointly tested an approach in which producers, local governments and civil society organizations in a region jointly designed and invested in sustainable land use to end illegal deforestation. Using experience from the seven projects – IDH and Solidaridad’s first landscape projects in South America –  next steps were determined.

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Results and Lessons Learned for Responsible Soy Production in Paraguay and Brazil