
Climate change is already wreaking havoc on the stability of global food supplies. Instability is projected to grow as the magnitude and frequency of disruptive extreme weather events increases. More sustainable supply chains – from production to consumption – are necessary to reduce carbon emissions and build resilience to a changing climate. Read the latest news and stories below.
A Call to Rethink Climate Finance Strategies from a farmers-first perspective Read featured story

Latest News

In Uganda’s Barley Fields, a Sustainable Initiative Transforms Lives

In Uganda’s Barley Fields, a Sustainable Initiative Transforms Lives

Advancing sustainability in coffee: Collaborative initiatives creating change

Advancing sustainability in coffee: Collaborative initiatives creating change

Sustainable tourism in Sri Lanka  gets a boost from responsible practices project

Sustainable tourism in Sri Lanka  gets a boost from responsible practices project

Ugandan oil palm farmers to gain from national initiative

Ugandan oil palm farmers to gain from national initiative

Celebrating Progress in Brazil: Building Connections for Low-Carbon Livestock Supply Chains 

Celebrating Progress in Brazil: Building Connections for Low-Carbon Livestock Supply Chains 

Reducing emissions, improving conservation & livelihoods in the Amazon: Year 1 of Amazonia Connect

Reducing emissions, improving conservation & livelihoods in the Amazon: Year 1 of Amazonia Connect

Seed delivery and investment initiative boosts Nigerian agriculture

Seed delivery and investment initiative boosts Nigerian agriculture

Sustainable castor initiative eyes the future and encourages the participation of women 

Sustainable castor initiative eyes the future and encourages the participation of women 



Featured Producer Stories

About face in the Amazon: Rotational grazing helps families find a way to farm better

Ranchers in Brazil are changing how they farm and improving their income while reducing their impact on the environment in the process. Extension officers from Amazonia Connect are helping ranchers, like Alaion Costa and Cleuto Prates, make the move to rotational grazing on their farms in the State of Pará.

A Kenyan coffee grower enhances the sustainability and resilience of his farm

Like many, Richard Rono is seeing the real time impacts of climate change. Unpredictable rainfall has resulted in lower coffee yields for this Kenyan coffee farmer, but Solidaridad’s TRACE Kenya project is helping him build up his resilience. Organic farming practices have boosted his harvest and now Richard is sharing what he’s learned with others in his community as a lead farmer.

In Indonesia, indigenous Dayaks reclaim their right to food and forests

In Indonesia, the Dayak people are using agroforestry to preserve ecosystems and maintain biodiversity. Their efforts in Ensaid Panjang village have led to increased incomes and a renewed appreciation for the value of sustainable forests. The development of hand-woven art and plans for ecotourism within the Tawang Serimbak forest have brought new opportunities to the Dayak community.


Solidaridad, Rainforest Alliance, Fair Trade Advocacy Office, and Fairtrade Publish new paper on making the EU’s Due Diligence Directive Inclusive and Effective.

Growing the future: Lessons from Climate Smart Agriculture

Financing Resilience for Small-scale Farmers

Cotton and Climate Paper

RECLAIM Sustainability! 2022 Progress Report

Coffee Barometer 2023