Commodity: Cocoa
Gender Equity in Certified Chains – Certified Coffee, Tea and Cocoa: Making it work for all – expert meeting
Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), HIVOS, Oxfam-Novib and Solidaridad kindly invite you to an expert meeting: Certified Coffee, Tea and Cocoa: Making…
21 August 2014
Solidaridad West Africa training partner in Cargill's Sustainable Cocoa Program in Ghana
Cargill's cocoa & chocolate business – in close cooperation with the Ghana Cocoa Board – is expanding its Cargill Sustainable…
Solidaridad cocoa programme in West Africa unites Ivorian farmers
The cocoa sector in West Africa which collectively supplies more than 60 percent of the world’s cocoa, has been a…
20 August 2014
West Africa: Ghana cocoa farmers receive first UTZ incentive bonuses
Cocoa certification has started to pay dividends to cocoa farmers in the Western North cocoa region of Ghana who received…
Cocoa industry commits to sustainable transformation
Over the last five years, the cocoa industry has been completely transformed by a wave of corporate commitments to sustainability…
Multimedia exhibition for the love of chocolate in the Amsterdam Maritime Museum
Kadir van Lohuizen and Solidaridad today launched the multimedia exhibition ‘For the love of chocolate’, which will run from 20…
Together, we can secure the future of cocoa farming
Certification alone is not enough to protect our affordable luxury, chocolate. Solidaridad believes in a market transformation approach, working with…