New Report on Achieving Gender Equality in Colombia’s Coffee Sector Released

Solidaridad has commissioned a report, conducted by the Global Coffee Platform, on gender equality in the coffee sector. The study titled Gender Equality Analysis in Colombia’s Coffee Sector is intended to identify practices implemented by organizations working to promote gender equality in coffee growing. A total of 100 coffee growers, 46 representatives of technical teams and five sustainability managers from partner organizations were engaged.

Key observations include women’s lack of access to, and control over, resources including land, income, training, technical support, and leisure time. Overall, it was observed that women’s participation in decision-making related to the “productive sphere” – the creation of goods and services – is restricted.

The study’s results are intended to enable agreements on a specific vision and goals within the 2020 agenda for the sector of the Sustainable Trade Platform (PCS) and the Global Coffee Platform (GCP). They are also expected to be used by partner organizations in different projects.

Gender Equality Analysis in Colombia's Coffee Sector