The Golden Line: 2019 Annual Report

With funding from the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Golden Line works for the social and economic empowerment of women in and around artisanal and small-scale gold mining communities in Ghana and Tanzania.

In the five year programme (2016-2020) Simavi, Solidaridad, and Health Entrepreneurs combined their complementary expertise to improve women’s working conditions and economic position within gold mines.
No fewer than 4,340 women in the gold mining communities in Ghana and Tanzania are now members of the 216 Village Saving and Loan Associations (VSLAs). Almost 1,000 men were challenged to rethink norms and beliefs in order to prevent violence against women. In addition, 548 entrepreneurs continued to run their businesses in health and safety products in the communities. The use of community score scards to measure women’s satisfaction with health services stimulated health authorities to take concrete actions to improve the quality of health services. The capacity building of 873 miners, including 553 female miners, is bringing about improvements for women in the gold mines. The Golden Line photo exhibition, documentaries, and presentations at various conferences have been effective in advocating for actions to improve gender equality in the mining sector.
This annual report describes the contextual changes, achievements, challenges, reflections on the Theory of Change of the Golden Line and the lessons learned in 2019.
For more information on the Golden Line programme, please see: 
The Golden Line 2019 Annual Report