Ghana Dedicated Grant Mechanism Environmental and Social Plan

Solidaridad West Africa is the National Executing Agency (NEA) for the Ghana Dedicated Grant Mechanism for Local Communities (G-DGM) project with financial support from the Climate Investment Fund (CIF) and the World Bank.

The project is designed to promote the inclusion of forest-rich communities in efforts to reduce deforestation and degradation through capacity building to strengthen knowledge and practices of targeted local communities in REDD+ processes and the Ghana Forest Investment Programme (G-FIP) towards sustainable forest management. The project has been implemented in 52 local communities selected based on complementarity to the Ghana Forest Investment Programme. 

Solidaridad West Africa has prepared an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for the implementation of sub-projects within the selected local communities in accordance with the World Bank’s Operations Policies and applicable national regulations. The ESMP shall be used as a guide to avoid, minimize and or mitigate environmental and social impacts of the sub-projects. 

Ghana Dedicated Grant Mechanism Environmental and Social Plan