Region: Asia
International Women’s Day 2018: Why Gender Inclusivity Is Key to Sustainability
In recognition of International Women’s Day 2018 and its core message, #PressforProgress, we have released a new video to amplify…
08 March 2018
Sustaining Customary Forests: A Story of Change in Indonesia
Kulbir Mehta, Solidaridad’s Indonesia Country Manager outlines why local communities should be recognised as the lawful custodian of forests. He…
21 February 2018
EU and India offer firm commitment to enhance sustainable shrimp trade
A multi-stakeholder group from India and Europe met at the Indian International Seafood Show (IISS), in Goa in January. There,…
01 February 2018
New dialogue to tackle issues in India Europe shrimp trade
A high-level meeting of Indian and European stakeholders in the seafood sector will take place at the end January in…
16 January 2018
To date, China’s economic and social development has achieved remarkable progress. However, at the same time, huge resources and environmental…
31 December 2017
The Malaysian Palm Oil Board signed an agreement with Solidaridad, the first such agreement with an international development organization to…
Video: Local experts share a glimpse of sustainability progress in Indonesia
Solidaridad Network and its local partners Keling Kumang Group and SPKS are collaborating on improving the livelihoods of palm oil…
30 November 2017
It Takes a Village – Reducing deforestation while improving livelihoods
Is it possible to increase production yields, and livelihoods, for smallholder oil palm farmers without further deforestation, thereby achieving economic…
28 November 2017
Blog: Leather buyers – look beyond certification for cleaning up your supply chain
In this blog, Solidaridad’s international coordinator for livestock sustainability, Gert van der Bijl, describes the damaging impact of current leather…
23 November 2017
Understanding households with stunted children
In Bangladesh, Solidaridad has been working with smallholders for many years. We develop partnerships and collaborate with different stakeholders for…
21 November 2017