Region: Asia
Local workshops engage community leaders to increase sustainability awareness
In an effort to increase knowledge of sustainability issues in areas where it is most needed, Solidaridad and Oil Palm…
07 April 2017
06 April 2017
Solidaridad works to close gender gap among farmers in Bangladesh
Female farmers in the Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Linkages (SaFaL) programme in Bangladesh are becoming examples of how gender…
30 March 2017
Solidaridad opens new office in Indonesia with Keling Kumang Group
“Borneo with no poverty” is the guiding vision behind Solidaridad’s cooperation and expansion in Indonesia. To support that goal, Solidaridad…
28 March 2017
Blog: Sustainable development demands gender inclusivity
Solidaridad has established a gender task force to ensure that inclusivity remains an effective component of its global sustainability programmes.…
17 March 2017
AMBITION 2020: Multi-Annual Strategic Plan
In 2016, Solidaridad launched its new multi-annual strategic plan, AMBITION 2020. With this new strategy, Solidaridad positions itself as a…
21 February 2017
Leading exporters join with Solidaridad to scale safe mango export
Solidaridad’s SaFaL programme has expanded its partnerships this year with Islam Enterprise and two other exporters to scale up contract…
09 February 2017
SaFaL Newsletter, Volume 3 – January 2017
Solidaridad, in partnership with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bangladesh, has been implementing the "Sustainable Agriculture,…
Solidaridad wins Globoil award for sustainability
Solidaridad has been awarded the prestigious Globoil Sustainability Award for its contributions to the sustainable production and trade of palm…
03 February 2017