Region: East & Central Africa
ProCotton expansion in East Africa
Through a financial contribution and collaboration with the Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) and the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC),…
21 August 2014
Do you also believe in "trade for aid"?
With this Edun Live T-shirt, Jackpot supports organic cotton farmers in the North of Uganda; a region which is recovering…
Zambia welcomes Thumbs Up Africa trio
Eleven countries later and still counting… This is the exhaustive and exciting hitchhiking journey of 15 000 km from The Netherlands…
20 August 2014
Investing in irrigation for more efficient sugarcane production in Tanzania
Due to changing rainfall patterns the production level of sugarcane is declining in the Tanzanian region Kilombero. Together with the…
East Africa: Fairtrade increase market access for thousands of coffee producers
Coffee production in East and Central Africa by smallholders is known for its high quality and value in specialty markets.…
Solidaridad, Dutch government and Nestlé launch major food security programme in East Africa
Solidaridad, together with farmer organisations in East Africa, the Kenyan coffee research institute and companies including Nestlé, is launching a…