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Percy Cobbina is determined to see the eradication of child labor from the supply chain in Amafie, a cocoa-farming community in the Western North region of Ghana.
Over 5,100 metres above sea level, among strong winds and falling snow, we can find Julia Pomalique. She works in the mountains performing pallaqueo, an artisanal and ancestral way of mining, work now done mainly by women. Thanks to this activity, she and more than 250 women in her association can sustain themselves and their families. She’s a pallaquera and she’s proud of it. However, Julia knows that with that name comes prejudice and systemic discrimination.
The use of mercury in mining remains a tremendous challenge for the sector worldwide. The majority of artisanal and small-scale miners have little knowledge of the impact of mercury on health and the environment. Through the Golden Line Programme, miners such as Peter Juben were educated on the impacts and trained on responsible use.
Miners are now encouraged to use personal protective equipment In Ghana, the sector is deluged with unsafe working conditions, including the absence of protective clothing, improper working tools and use of mercury. On average, the sector records five fatalities and 50 injuries annually, with miners suffering various degrees of lacerations, burns, spinal cord injuries and […]