Commodity: Coffee
Solidaridad Network organized a 'Cool Farm Tool' workshop in Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras
Solidaridad Central America and the Caribbean organized a regional workshop in Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras, with 18 technicians who…
21 August 2014
Gender Equity in Certified Chains – Certified Coffee, Tea and Cocoa: Making it work for all – expert meeting
Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), HIVOS, Oxfam-Novib and Solidaridad kindly invite you to an expert meeting: Certified Coffee, Tea and Cocoa: Making…
New programme for climate-smart agriculture in coffee
Solidaridad starts a new programme for climate-smart production of coffee. In recent years pilot projects showed interesting opportunities in the…
20 August 2014
East Africa: Fairtrade increase market access for thousands of coffee producers
Coffee production in East and Central Africa by smallholders is known for its high quality and value in specialty markets.…
Solidaridad, Dutch government and Nestlé launch major food security programme in East Africa
Solidaridad, together with farmer organisations in East Africa, the Kenyan coffee research institute and companies including Nestlé, is launching a…
Sustainable coffee needs more than certification
Unique in-depth study reveals only modest impact on farmers incomes The most recent impact study by CIDIN, which was commissioned…
Climate change and coffee farming: losses and solutions
The need for change in coffee production is urgent. The demand for coffee is growing at an annual rate of…
05 August 2014