Archives: News Items
Mali project receives Better Cotton prize
The implementation of Better Cotton by Solidaridad in the Mali project began in collaboration with cotton company, Compagnie malienne pour…
20 August 2014
“Companies become concerned about sustainability in sugarcane”
Sugarcane industry gathered at Bonsucro meeting in New Orleans Bonsucro is a global multi-stakeholder non-profit organization dedicated to reducing the environmental…
Transition of the palm oil sector in Colombia
Colombia is a country with great potential for agriculture production and a need of rural livelihood options with impact after…
Bonsucro Week: An interview with Nick Goodall about sustainable sugar
Bonsucro is a global multi-stakeholder non-profit organization dedicated to reducing the environmental and social impacts of sugarcane production which links…
Solidaridad launches innovative expert system to support continual improvement of farmers
After a four year development process which started in Brazil, Solidaridad has launched its much anticipated Rural Horizons, an expert…
Integrating Ghanaian palm oil smallholders into global markets
While oil palm is indigenous to West Africa, the region produces only six percent of the global palm oil which…
Responsible Soy: First Brazilian family farmers achieve certification
The first group of family farmers in Latin America to be certified for responsible soy by the Roundtable on Responsible…
Creating an independent smallholder hub in Jambi, Sumatra
Jambi is the 5th largest palm oil producing province in Indonesia, with a total palm oil producing area of more…
Driving sustainable cattle production in Northern Namibia
Namibia is a country with immense ecological diversity. The communal pasture areas in the north of the country are overgrazed…
Towards inclusive palm oil supply chains
Even though often invisible, palm oil is present in many product formulations. Currently, it is the worlds most used vegetable…