Archives: News Items
Bangladesh: Lax fire-safety plagues garment industry
More than 120 employees died over the weekend in a garment factory fire in Bangladesh, which is the second fire…
20 August 2014
Raízen presents first results of Farmer Support and Loyalty Tool
A new specially designed software program helps farmers improve their business. It generates an individual recommendation report for improving practices…
Food Security: Massive ‘SaFal’ project rolled out for Bangladesh farmers
In one of the largest programmes involving Solidaridad Network Asia in the region, the Embassy of the Netherlands in Dhaka…
Sustainable textile wet processing requires holistic approach
The use of hazardous chemicals and inadequate treatment of the effluents in textile dyeing and finishing is now high on the agenda…
Bonsucro Conference 2012: Rapidly growing number of participants
More and more stakeholders in the sugarcane sector are getting involved in Bonsucro. Around 150 delegates from over more than…
Zambia welcomes Thumbs Up Africa trio
Eleven countries later and still counting… This is the exhaustive and exciting hitchhiking journey of 15 000 km from The Netherlands…
For children school is the best place to work
Introduction The world community has committed itself to the eradication of child labour, starting with ‘the elimination of all worst…
Exchange and learn: West Africa visits India on Better Cotton Initiative
A team of four exchange delegates from Mali in West Africa, including farmers and the National Coordinator of the Association…
Responsible soy reaches first million tons
In January 2013 the Round Table on Responsible Soy Association (RTRS) reported on its 2012 achievements. During the second year of…
Investing in irrigation for more efficient sugarcane production in Tanzania
Due to changing rainfall patterns the production level of sugarcane is declining in the Tanzanian region Kilombero. Together with the…