Enabling Policies

Solidaridad advocates for policies that improve the position of small-scale farmers, workers and miners. We take action to push governments to implement and enforce mandatory sustainability frameworks. We also work to strengthen the involvement of civil society in participatory decision making processes related to sustainable supply chains. Read the latest news and stories below.
Three practical steps to get support from your management for responsible purchasing practices Read featured story

Latest News

Malawi tea sector creates a competitive edge through peer learning 

Malawi tea sector creates a competitive edge through peer learning 

Medicinal plant farmer groups in India receive top sustainability and quality certification

Medicinal plant farmer groups in India receive top sustainability and quality certification

Making the case for financial inclusion for a safe & responsible small-scale mining sector in Peru

Making the case for financial inclusion for a safe & responsible small-scale mining sector in Peru

Women miners make the case for changes to Peru’s new National Policy for Artisanal and Small-scale Mining

Women miners make the case for changes to Peru’s new National Policy for Artisanal and Small-scale Mining

Scaling Up Jurisdictional Approaches: Opportunities & Challenges in the Amazon 

Scaling Up Jurisdictional Approaches: Opportunities & Challenges in the Amazon 

A Call to Rethink Climate Finance Strategies from a farmers-first perspective

A Call to Rethink Climate Finance Strategies from a farmers-first perspective

Climate change traps cotton farmers in a cycle of poverty

Climate change traps cotton farmers in a cycle of poverty

Palm Oil Memorandum to Dutch Prime Minister Raises Concerns on Effects of EU Deforestation Regulations

Palm Oil Memorandum to Dutch Prime Minister Raises Concerns on Effects of EU Deforestation Regulations

Three practical steps to get support from your management for responsible purchasing practices

Three practical steps to get support from your management for responsible purchasing practices

Featured Producer Stories

Lifting up vulnerable youth in South Africa

In the heart of South Africa, Saulsville is a remarkable school that provides comfort, education, and compassionate care to some of the world’s most vulnerable children and young people. With a number of their residents engaged in farming activities, Saulsville reached out to the Social Employment Fund project to offer even more resources to nourish and nurture hundreds of children and young people.

From Field to Facials: Work with Solidaridad Spurs a Spa Dream

The struggle to find work in South Africa is real. Since 2000, the unemployment rate has held steady at over 20 percent; in 2023 the country maintained the highest unemployment rate in the world. New programmes from Solidaridad are bringing practical training,  jobs, and hope to women and men who are ready to work for their future.

Patrick Cortey, cocoa farmer and entrepreneur in Ghana

Promoting Entrepreneurs in Agriculture One Farmer at a Time

Patrick Newman Kortey has become a household name in the local Boase Sibi community in Ghana. As an entrepreneur and inspirational leader to other small-scale farmers, he has worked with Solidaridad to build a variety of businesses that supplement his income from cocoa while he establishes a strong foundation for future success.

Helping forge an enabling policy environment in Central America

Once early innovators have demonstrated the benefits of sustainable practices, others are more likely to jump on board. For this reason, at Solidaridad, it’s important for us to find local actors who will partner with us to test solutions and new technologies. Then, together, we create the blueprints that others can use to implement sustainable solutions. 


Empowering cooperative partners for an inclusive future driven by data


Cotton and Climate Paper

RECLAIM Sustainability! 2022 Progress Report

Solidaridad supports letter calling for EU lawmakers to include the right to a living income in the CSDDD

Coffee Barometer 2023

The EU Deforestation Regulation: The challenge and importance of inclusive implementation in palm oil

Price in global commodity value chains

Palm Oil Barometer 2022

Solidaridad and other CSOs and NGOs urge the EU to ensure a smallholder-inclusive regulation on deforestation-free products