RECLAIM Sustainability! 2022 Progress Report

front cover image RS! Progress Report 2022

The RECLAIM Sustainability! programme is a consortium of Solidaridad, TrustAfrica, Fairfood and Business Watch Indonesia, in strategic partnership with the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Together we strive to strengthen civil society and foster inclusive sustainability in global value chains, elevating the voices of farmers, miners, workers and citizens, and ensuring that these voices are included and well represented in decision-making and sustainability processes and policies. 

In our 2022 Progress Report, the consortium reflects on the progress, achievements and lessons learned across the regions and supply chains we work in. The report also highlights key activities undertaken as part of the Global Innovation and Digitization, and the Global Linking and Learning goals of the programme. 

Progress highlights in 2022

2022 is the second year of the RECLAIM Sustainability! programme implementation. Some overall highlights from our work:

  • We contributed to 153 multi-stakeholder dialogues at all levels, and hereby influenced a total of 102 policies and submitted 84 recommendations to public and private decision makers for improved regulation.
  • We partnered with 84 private sector partners and 126 non-private sector partners to develop and test innovative tools for more transparency and improved bargaining positions for farmers and workers in value chains. These tools were tested with around 196,000 farmers and workers.
  • We worked with 327 civil society actors in 2022, strengthening their lobby and advocacy capacity. 
  • We activated and mobilized over 235,000 individuals to raise their voice to push the policy agenda, influence societal (gender) norms, and make informed decisions (e.g. regarding the sustainability of production and consumption practices).
  • We continued our work across 7 priority supply chains in our countries of focus to raise awareness on transforming social and gender norms and the barriers to inclusivity created by unequal power relations at the community level. For instance, using an inclusive learning platform, we trained participants to become community gender champions and conducted community dialogues in the cocoa and coffee sectors in Sierra Leone and Uganda respectively. We also strengthened women’s action groups in communities to promote gender-responsive solutions, such as in the tea sector in Malawi. Moreover, we continued our work on creating awareness on the rights of women and youth in the various sectors, and held gender inclusion campaigns.
  • Following our work in 2022, we are further monitoring the extent to which our recommendations are picked up and implemented by public and private decision makers, and actually lead to improved regulatory frameworks and their implementation, improved civil society actors’ participation in decision making, and improved negotiation position of farmers and workers in the value chains.

Want to know more?

Interested to read more stories and highlights from our programme? Check out this article.

For more information on RECLAIM Sustainability!, please visit the programme page. You can also check out our Progress Report 2021, with highlights from the first year of the programme.


RECLAIM Sustainability! 2022 Progress Report