Region: Southern Africa
30 December 2019
50 years of change that matters
2019 was a special year for Solidaridad. Exactly 50 years ago, on 30 November 1969, Solidaridad sprung to life. We've…
21 December 2019
Data diving for good
A small army of data experts came together in London recently. They were volunteering their skills, experience and smiles for a…
18 December 2019
More market linkages for South African smallholders
Getting their produce to buyers remains a huge challenge for smallholders. Selling more quality fruit and vegetables would not only…
06 December 2019
Revitalizing Zambia citrus production
Thomas Zimba is a retired agriculture extension officer for the Zambian Ministry of Agriculture. These days he runs the small…
21 November 2019
Keeping it local with digital currencies
Complementary currencies can incentivize people to use local shops and encourage them to adopt good farming practices. A workshop by…
Agrifood service providers play a crucial role in the supply chain. They often require investment to maximize their impact on…
31 October 2019
Five ways to spot impact investment opportunities in agrifood
Agrifood service providers can help lift smallholder farmers out of poverty, increasing incomes and benefitting the whole supply chain. To…
Impact investing in frontier markets
Capital provision is crucial to address global challenges related to the UN SDGs, including sustainable agriculture, energy and water systems.…
18 October 2019