Theme: Good Agricultural Practices
Bridging the knowledge gap among oil palm farmers
In Nigeria, a major challenge faced by smallholder oil palm farmers is access to the right information that will enable…
14 April 2021
500 youth trained in oil palm production in Ghana
As part of efforts to build the skills of youth for employment and entrepreneurship in the oil palm sector, over…
Increase in soy production starts with increased knowledge
Solidaridad in partnership with Grow Africa/ IDH has set up a programme across Angonia and Gurue Districts in Mozambique, aimed…
15 March 2021
Arvind Kumar: Reaping the Harvest of Sustainability
Arvind Kumar, a sugarcane farmer in Uttar Pradesh, India, achieved record sugarcane yield by adopting sustainable practices and farm mechanization.
12 March 2021
Oil-palm competency based training kicks off with youth leaders
Solidaridad has enrolled more than 500 youth to undergo competency-based training in oil palm under the Agricultural Technical and Vocational…
03 March 2021
In Mozambique, Solidaridad has successfully worked with one of the largest cotton producing companies, João Ferreira dos Santos (JFS), since…
04 February 2021
Considering that soy and livestock are the main deforestation drivers in the region, intensification models and land use planning have…
Private organizations understand that having sustainability credentials will enable them to remain in the market and, due to this acknowledgement,…
One of the key challenges affecting the highlands coffee sector in the Pacific region is climate change. Solidaridad's climate-smart agriculture…