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Rural women pave the way towards gender equality in coffee in Colombia

Over the course of her journey as a coffee farmer in the department of Caqueta, Colombia, Alexis González has challenged traditional gender roles and taken on a leadership role in her community. Now she is inspiring other women to take a greater role in family decisions, band together with other women, and pick up sustainable farming practices through Amazonia Connect.

15 October 2024

From the sky to the soil: A former pilot’s journey into agroecology

From the cockpit of a plane to the heart of sustainable agriculture, Ambroise N’koh’ has shifted to focus on transforming his cocoa farm in Côte d'Ivoire into a model for agroecology. He not only produces high-quality cocoa, he is driving positive change within his community. Ambroise is demonstrating how organic farming can be both profitable and environmentally responsible.

14 October 2024

Fidel Hernández and Amazonia  Connect: Learning to teach in Colombia

Fidel Hernández is a teacher in the Caquetá region of Colombia, who is now spreading coffee knowledge throughout the region. He discovered a new passion for coffee farming through the Amazonia Connect initiative and is among a group of sustainable agriculture promoters in his community. His journey is a testament to the power of education and its impact on local economies…

08 October 2024

Manití Project in Peru: Conservation and bio-business

The Manití Project in the Peruvian Amazon takes a holistic approach in its effort to biodiversity conservation in a unique ecological area. The initiative promotes sustainable entrepreneurship, while preserving roughly 15,000 hectares of primary forest. Its goal is a diversified local economy that contributes to conservation of biodiversity showing that environmental protection and human progress can go hand-in-hand.

02 October 2024

Access to quality seeds turns a Nigerian farmer’s dream into a reality

Like many small-scale farmers in Nigeria,Aliyu Sani faced a common struggle: the high costs of farm inputs limited his farm’s potential. Thanks to a project that helps farmers access credit to buy quality seeds and other inputs, he has seen an increase in yields and improved his family's livelihood. Supported by Solidaridad West Africa, the approach has helped farmers reconsider…

26 September 2024

Innovating coffee with women smallholders in Honduras

Café de Mujeres Brisas isn’t just any coffee. The Honduran coffee brand is a testament to the power of innovation and collaboration. Created with help from the organization PROEXO and Solidaridad, Café de Mujeres Brisas emerged from an exchange of women coffee producers. The unique blend not only tastes great, but also tells a powerful story of leadership. With its…

24 September 2024

Arquímedes Ramírez: Combining coffee expertise and conservation in the Amazon

Arquímedes Ramírez, a Colombian coffee farmer, has witnessed firsthand the transformation of his region from deforestation to sustainable coffee production. Through Amazonia Connect, a partnership dedicated to promoting low-emission commodity production, Arquímedes has learned new farming techniques and gained access to higher-quality markets. As a community leader, he has inspired others to adopt sustainable practices and contribute to the preservation…

18 September 2024

Meet Zenebech Gelane: Dairy farming improves a woman’s life in Ethiopia

Zenebech Gelane, a 62-year-old Ethiopian dairy farmer, has transformed her life in the agricultural region of Oromia. Through education and support from the Oromia Coffee and Dairy Development project, Zenebech has increased her milk production and provided for her family. Through training in animal husbandry, fodder farming, and business management, Zenebech has become a successful entrepreneur and a role model…

10 September 2024

Empowering change & promoting sustainable palm oil in Peru

Sonia Peña, a determined and passionate oil palm farmer, has emerged as a beacon of hope and change in the Ucayali region after becoming the first smallholder in Peru to be audited for the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certification in the country. A dedicated mother and influential community leader, Sonia is at the forefront of sustainable agriculture and…

03 September 2024

Meet Gumercindo: A sugarcane smallholder takes on a big challenge

Gumercindo Vásquez, a sugarcane smallholder in Veracruz, Mexico, had seen his farm's productivity decline due to climate change. Now, he has updated his farming practices with a focus on sustainability. Through the MAS-CAÑA program, he has learned new farming techniques that have increased his yields and reduced his environmental impact. Gumercindo's success has inspired other smallholders, and participating farmers who…

29 August 2024

Kenyan farmer works a maize miracle with sustainable agriculture

Jackline Sakwa, a 63-year-old Kenyan farmer, has seen a remarkable increase in her maize harvest thanks to a project designed to support sustainable farming practices, increase farmers’ resilience to climate change, and advance gender and social inclusion in Bungoma County by 2025. After just two years, the Creating Shared Value in Maize Value Chain in Kenya project has led to…

27 August 2024

A life change for small-scale farmers in Caquetá: A visit with coffee farmer Daniel Cuellar

Every change brings its challenges and complexities. For Daniel Díaz Cuellar it was no exception when he decided to begin farming coffee in the El Caraño district of Florencia, Caquetá. After halting the cultivation of coca leaf and making the switch, Daniel has stepped up to become a coffee promoter in the Amazonia Connect programme sharing sustainable and low-emission practices…

23 August 2024

Find them all! Engaging communities on biodiversity conservation through games 

The Gran Chaco of Argentina teems with wildlife. From anteaters to elusive pumas, this diverse ecosystem is home to a captivating array of creatures. To raise awareness and encourage conservation, a photo contest invited local families to share their encounters with the region's fascinating fauna. Along the way, contest participants are becoming stewards of the area's natural treasures, while their…

20 August 2024

Asómbrate: Promoting climate smart agriculture, harvesting carbon credits 

Asómbrate, a programme led by Solidaridad, creates positive incentives for small-scale producers to adopt resilient coffee and cocoa cultivation practices, and benefit from global carbon markets. Agroforestry systems are at the core of the approach. Shade trees, among primary crops, capture carbon from the atmosphere allowing producers to access payments for environmental services and earn additional income for their families.

09 August 2024

More than a cooperative: From gender equality to technological innovation

To improve the position of women in coffee production, while innovating coffee production itself, is a daunting task in conservative Honduras, but Angélica Paz, full of energy and optimism, is up to the challenge. Angélica is a project manager at a Honduran coffee cooperative, Las Capucas, that works closely with Solidaridad and Fairfood through the RECLAIM Sustainability! programme.

02 August 2024

The Nile’s Inspiring Daughter

A lifelong passion for agriculture along with innovative farming techniques are helping Huda, a farmer in Egypt, confront an increasingly harsh climate while supporting her children. Despite her commitment to farming, traditional methods left her crops vulnerable and profits low. The Khair Ardna project provided Huda with training on efficient irrigation, new fertilizers, marketing and ways to combat the effects…

11 June 2024

Women Dairy Farmers Assert Themselves in Sri Lanka

In Sri Lanka, especially for women, it’s not easy to be a dairy farmer. Through a project that provides training in modern practices, leadership and finance, women who work in dairy have recorded higher milk production and increasing incomes. The results for these inspiring farmers demonstrate the power of collaboration and market access to improve the livelihoods for women in…

16 May 2024

TEH nDESO CONNECTS: Finding New Opportunities with Indonesia’s Small-scale Tea Growers

Indonesia's small-scale tea farmers face ongoing challenges due to climate change and competition. Fortunately, a recent initiative, Teh nDeso, is promoting sustainable practices and has helped small farmers to connect directly with consumers. The results have been impressive. With creative branding, QR codes with informative videos, and partnerships with local tea stalls and cafes, sales have risen from 5-10 tonnes…

16 April 2024

A Kenyan coffee grower enhances the sustainability and resilience of his farm

Like many, Richard Rono is seeing the real time impacts of climate change. Unpredictable rainfall has resulted in lower coffee yields for this Kenyan coffee farmer, but Solidaridad’s TRACE Kenya project is helping him build up his resilience. Organic farming practices have boosted his harvest and now Richard is sharing what he’s learned with others in his community as a…

09 April 2024

Grit and guts: Karuna Daimari writes her own success story in tea

What is the role of women in the Indian tea industry? As an answer, Karuna Daimari in Assam has spent her lifetime challenging stereotypes with her work as a tea farmer and an entrepreneur. Her journey highlights the importance of training and support for small growers, while she continues to inspire other women to work for success in business.

28 March 2024

In Indonesia, indigenous Dayaks reclaim their right to food and forests

In Indonesia, the Dayak people are using agroforestry to preserve ecosystems and maintain biodiversity. Their efforts in Ensaid Panjang village have led to increased incomes and a renewed appreciation for the value of sustainable forests. The development of hand-woven art and plans for ecotourism within the Tawang Serimbak forest have brought new opportunities to the Dayak community.

26 March 2024

Jony Rodriguez: a miner, an entreprenuer

Surrounded by arid, mountain landscapes in Peru, Jony Rodriguez has used a unique financial product targeting small-scale miners to double production at his small-scale mine. Plus, with the new credit he has modernized his equipment and improved worker safety. With his business on the rise and a growing reputation as an entrepreneur, Jony confidently aims to make further improvements, while…

20 March 2024

African cooperative thrives as a citrus producer

A South African citrus cooperative has defied the odds to grow from supplying local markets to exporting lemons, mandarins, and oranges around the world. Their success lies in a commitment to quality, investment in training, and an embrace of new technology. The cooperative is a powerful example of how innovation can transform the agricultural sector.

12 March 2024

Lifting up vulnerable youth in South Africa

In the heart of South Africa, Saulsville is a remarkable school that provides comfort, education, and compassionate care to some of the world’s most vulnerable children and young people. With a number of their residents engaged in farming activities, Saulsville reached out to the Social Employment Fund project to offer even more resources to nourish and nurture hundreds of children…

19 January 2024

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